About me

Noëmi Zingg, *1999 in Samedan, Switzerland.

2016 – 2020 Wirtschaftsmittelschule, Alte Kantonsschule Aarau

2020 – 2021 Gestalterisches Propädeutikum, Schule für Gestaltung Aarau

2021 – 2024 Bachelor of Art Education, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Noëmi practices different types of artistic methods. Painting is her preferred way of expressing herself. Even though she has a more realistic painting style, she does not try to copy reality. She interprets her own perception of reality. Behind the creation of a painting is a great love for the details and the process of making it. 

Noëmi would describe herself as a melancholic person. Themes of nostalgia, memories, and self-questioning can be interpreted in her art. She’s on the search for self-perception and identity. That is one reason why her portraits, in the form of reflections, are often seen in her paintings. Who am I? How do others see me? How do I see myself? What is the interaction between how I see myself and how others see me?